Thursday, August 15, 2013

So You Want to Watch Madoka Magica? - a guide - pt 6 (episode 5)

Part 6: Episode Five - "There's No Way I'd Regret This"
This blog post is written by a dedicated fan of the anime and is designed for new watchers to get the most out of the Madoka Magica experience! This is Part 6 out of 14. Please watch Episode 5 before reading this post.
Link to Intro
Links to Episode: One Two Three Four Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

Summary if you don't get what happened:

Sayaka fulfills her contract with Kyubey on the hospital's roof. Her soul gem is forged and she makes her debut as a magical girl. Sayaka visits the newly healed Kyouske at the hospital, where he remains until his legs recover and his miraculous healing is investigated. He apologizes for being so rude to Sayaka earlier. She cheerfully escorts him to the roof, where his parents and the hospital staff present him with his violin. Sayaka listens to him play, and feels incredibly happy as she thinks "There's no way I'd regret this."
Meanwhile, Kyouko has arrived in town and looks at Sayaka on the rooftop from an observatory. Kyubey tells her that there is another magical girl in the town, and he doesn't remember contracting with her.
Madoka is deeply worried about Sayaka, and fears that the new magical girl may meet Mami's cruel fate. An optimistic Sayaka reassures Madoka that she's ready for anything. Nevertheless, Madoka arranges a date with Homura in the cafe to ask the veteran to protect Sayaka, or at least befriend and team up with her. She tells her that Sayaka is really nice to people and means well to protect everyone. Homura doesn't give Madoka the comfort she wanted, and instead says that those qualities are actually detrimental and that "kindness has no reward". Explaining that magical girls have given up everything for their wishes and are beyond any hope of salvation, Homura tells Madoka to give up on Sayaka.
Still worried as ever, Madoka decides to accompany Sayaka on her patrols of the city. Sayaka tracks down a familiar, Anja, and engages it in combat. However, the rival magical girl Kyouko abruptly stops the fight, telling Sayaka that she shouldn't waste her power on a fight with a mere familiar. Kyouko reveals her technique of "farming witches": she lets familiars attack civilians, and waits until they've fed on enough humans to become full-fledged witches with grief seeds for her to harvest. Sayaka is outraged and refuses to tolerate such behavior. Kyouko tries to beat Sayaka into submission, but that proves futile as the rookie heals wounds intended to put her out of commission for three months. Kyubey explains that it was because she made a wish to heal someone. Kyouko swallows the last bite of her taiyaki and initiates a duel to the death. As they are fighting, Madoka cries that this is all wrong and that they should be on the same side. Kyubey tries to get her to contract so that she can get between them. That is, until Homura suddenly appears...

Questions I will answer:

q: Kyubey reached into her chest...?
a: Yeah. Fun fact: The lighting and direction during the creation of Sayaka's soul gem give the impression of a romanticized death scene.

q: What is the violin song that Kyouske plays on the roof?

a: Ugh, my freaking heart. It aches.

q: Did magical girls always have a marking on their middle finger?
a: No, it was a production error by SHAFT for not including Mami's fingernail marking in earlier. (This was fixed in the movie version.) Homura, Kyouko and Sayaka still don't have their marks in every single shot showing that finger.

q: Wait, "Kyoko" or "Kyouko"?
a: I use "Kyouko" to be consistent with "Kyouske", but "Kyoko" seems to be the more common spelling. also the wiki incorrectly calls Kyouske "Kamijou" in summaries which i am 88% sure is his last name

q: What is taiyaki?
a: Only an immensely delicious Japanese fried cake filled with sweet red bean. Kyouko has a fish shaped one.

q: So your powers have a direct relation to your wish?
Yes. An earlier example is Mami, who could summon ribbons. As Mami's wish has something to do with "To connect to life", so it is highly likely that it gave her the power to "tie" and "combine" things together. Her ribbons can also produce guns and because she is a veteran, her fighting prowess extends beyond her original powers.
Mami learning to produce guns from ribbons in the PSP game
It's different than when you wish for the power. I'll reveal Kyouko's power in Episode 7 and Homura's in Episode 10.

q: Madoka was just about to make a contract again! She will eventually right?
a: Yeah, later.

Coool Stuff! :

Anja and her witch Albertine - There's no spoilers on that page so I'll just link to it instead of putting the cards here. 

Meduka Meguca: A joke that started on 4chan. To make fun of how the charcters are drawn from a distance, users wrote a summary of the show using derpy spelling and grammar.

Tiffany talks about things:

Kyouko's Design:

I can't really find anything Ume Aoki has said about her design, so you can look at an early concept of her while I figure out something to do.

Okay, I can comment about this.

Kyouko's Spear:

Can you imagine a weapon like Kyouko's spear? It can be broken apart into chained segments and, with a bit of momentum, can be highly effective and overcome the disadvantages of using a staff in cramped areas (like the alley in which Kyouko and Sayaka fought in).

Also, this shot is so pretty.

Questions to think about:

- Do you think Sayaka expects Kyouske to say thank you or love her in return for her wish?
- Why is Kyubey still so persistent to get Madoka to contract?
- Why does Kyubey not remember contracting Homura?
- How can Homura move this fast?

Keep thinking about any earlier questions that haven't been answered yet.

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