Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So You Want to Watch Madoka Magica? - a guide - pt 5 (episode 4)

Part 5: Episode Four - "Both Miracles and Magic Exist"
This blog post is written by a dedicated fan of the anime and is designed for new watchers to get the most out of the Madoka Magica experience! This is Part 5 out of 14. Please watch Episode 4 before reading this post.
Link to Intro
Links to Episode: One Two Three Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

Summary if you don't get what happened:

Sayaka begins to think about healing Kyouske's hand and how he would react.
Madoka begins holding doubts about becoming a magical girl, and tells Kyubey that she is too scared to become one at that moment.
She visits Mami's apartment, crying, only to meet Homura outside as she leaves. They have a conversation, in which Homura says that she's seen countless girls die and no one will remember Mami or any Puella Magi that die. Madoka says she'll remember Mami and Homura, to which Homura is clearly affected by her words.
Meanwhile, Sayaka continues visiting Kyouske at the hospital. Kyouske learns that he won't be able to use his left arm ever again, and out of frustration, becomes angry with Sayaka.
The same day, after Madoka has gone to Mami's apartment, she runs into Hitomi and discovers that Hitomi has a witch's kiss and is seemingly in a trance. Sensing a dangerous situation incoming, Madoka then agrees to follow her, and finds out that she was meeting others for a collective suicide. After trying to stop them, she is swallowed into the witch's barrier.
The witch, Elly, uses mind reading to demoralize Madoka with images of Mami's death, but Sayaka appears to rescue Madoka at the last second. She used her wish to heal Kyouske, whose hand regained full function. Sayaka is now a Puella Magi, a fact that doesn't seem to please Homura.
The episode ends with the appearance of Kyoko Sakura, who intends to fight Sayaka for control of Mitakihara City.

Questions I will answer:

q: Why don't they just wish Mami back to life?
a: Because plot reasons. Sayaka has found someone to wish for and Homura is still preventing Madoka from contracting. But if they were, Madoka would be the only one that could, because she has a mysteriously high amount of potential power.

q: What were the people in the warehouse using to commit suicide?
a: They were trying to create toxic gas by mixing bleach and ammonia. Please don't do this.

q: How do people get possessed by a witch?
a: Basically, if you're in the general vicinity of a witch and you're a normal human being, you are likely to be preyed upon. The witch will tempt you into being possessed. It is easier to get possessed if you have something depressing going on in your life.

q: Her soul gem's located on her bellybutton?

q: So Madoka's gonna contract too?
Yeah, later.

Coool Stuff! :

Runes appearing in this episode
SF Debris' Analysis
Mark Watches
Matt High's Review
Changes made in the Blu-Ray versions
Ume Aoki's 4koma

H.N. Elly (Kirsten)
Type: Box Witch
Nature: Covetous
She is a staunchly reclusive witch. Anything she covets she locks away within glass. The thoughts of her prisoners are laid bare, but one can strike her without thought without problems.

Daniyyel & Jennifer
Type: Box Witch's Minion
Nature: Transportation
The box witch's minions with the duty of transportation. Anything they touch becomes easy to carry.

When Madoka is surrounded and about to enter Elly's barrier, the witch says "It was very fun, let's go again. Next time with a Bentou" (今日は本当に楽しかったねえ、また行きたいね。今度はお弁当持って行こう) in reverse.

A Madoka concept art book called The Guidebook indicates Elly's labyrinth design as a Snowglobe. It has the line, "I have only one wish. Box up that memory."It states that when the Witch dies, the lights on the Christmas tree and merry-go-round short out. There's a 'basssh!' sound.

Screencaps from the Episode 1 prolouge and Episode 4

Tiffany talks about some things:

Sayaka's design:
"Her personality is so boyish that I had to be careful not to make her look too boyish too. So I gave her hair a diagonal line in back, to straddle the line between short and medium length."
"Magical girl outfit: Sayaka’s outfit is the closest to combat gear. Since her sword is a melee weapon, I paid attention to that while designing her clothes." - Ume Aoki, character designer.
Her outfit features a diagonal-cut skirt and shoulderless top for ease of movement. Add a cape, and she’s a picturesque swordswoman.

Questions to think about:

- Why was Homura affected when Madoka said she'll "never forget her"?
- Do you think Sayaka has made a good decision?
- Who is this?

Keep thinking about any earlier questions that haven't been answered yet.

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