Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So You Want to Watch Madoka Magica? - a guide - pt 4 (episode 3)

Part 4: Episode Three - "I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore"
This blog post is written by a dedicated fan of the anime and is designed for new watchers to get the most out of the Madoka Magica experience! This is Part 4 out of 14. Please watch Episode 3 before reading this post.
Link to Intro
Links to Episode: One Two Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

yes, that actually did just happen:

Sayaka visits a hospitalized boy named Kyousuke Kamijou, who was a violin player she admired when she was little, but then suffered a serious injury in his wrist, preventing him from playing. They listen to classical music together rather happily, but then Kamijou starts crying quietly.
After another witch hunt in which she defeated a familiar, Ulla. Mami tells Madoka and Sayaka that familiars spawn from witches and don't drop grief seeds. However, they are still deadly and if they kill enough humans, they will mature into a witch. Madoka also asks Mami what her wish was. Mami explains that she was involved in a deadly traffic accident and didn't have time to think about her wish. She also warns Sayaka to be aware of her true intentions while wishing for other people's sakes, and recalls that the outcome is not a happy one.
Later that night, as Madoka helps her drunk mother to bed and has a talk with her father, in which she realizes that that she can be happy and feel special simply by doing good things for other people.
Mami is approached by Homura, who warns her about contracting Madoka.
The next day, while visiting the hospital, Madoka and Sayaka find a Grief Seed that is close to activating. Madoka goes in search of Mami, whilst Sayaka and Kyubey remain near the seed and are engulfed by the forming barrier of the witch, named Charlotte. Madoka soon returns with Mami, but as they enter the barrier, Homura confronts them and tries to warn Mami about the witch she intends to face. Mami ignores her and places her in a bind to stop her from following them.
As they continue, Madoka mentions her wish is to simply to be a magical girl and help others, as she felt her current self was useless. Mami first tries to warn her off such a wish, and laments that her job as a magical girl has left her lonely and afraid, but feels relieved that Madoka wishes to fight alongside her.
The Grief Seed begins to activate, while a happy Mami fights off the minions of the witch. She later reaches the witch's lair, and appears to kill her. However, the witch suddenly transforms into a giant caterpillar, catching her off-guard and decapitating her with a huge bite. As Mami's headless body falls to the floor, the witch continues to chomp on her remains, as the horrified Madoka and Sayaka can only watch. Kyubey pleads them to make their wishes quickly and contract with him, but before they can do so, Homura, her bonds dissolving with Mami's demise, steps in and defeats the witch, claiming the Grief Seed. After some harsh words, she departs, leaving Madoka and Sayaka alone to mourn for Mami.

Questions I will answer:

q: She's gone?

a: Looks like it.

q: Why did Mami get killed by the witch?!
a: She was so happy that Madoka was going to be her companion. So much that she wasn't afraid anymore. After that, she took things to lightly and did not notice the witch had no defenses at all-- she was just a doll. Mami did not find this suspicious and let her guard down.

q: How did Homura defeat the witch and Mami didn't?
a: The doll Mami shot was Charlotte's decoy. Once you shoot the decoy, Charlotte's second form, the "caterpillar" part will keep multiplying until the real doll is destroyed. Shown here.

q: you were going to elaborate on mami's apartment last post but now i just cant
The Blu-ray edition of Episode 2 radically modifies Mami's apartment. In the early episodes, her apartment looked rather spartan, reinforcing the idea that she lives by herself with no one to support her, emphasizing her loneliness. The later revisions fill her room with beautifully decorated objects and very nice furniture (and it's also implied that it is a two-story accommodation with an internal staircase). This may be to reinforce her rich background. It probably was inherited after her parents died.

q: I don't think Madoka wants to make a contract now... but she will, right?
Yeah, later.

Well, if you're emotionally wrecked, then this might not be Coool Stuff! :

SF Debris' Analysis
Mark Watches
Matt High's Review
Changes made in the Blu-Ray versions
Familiar that Mami fights in the beginning of this episode.

Type: Dessert Witch
Nature: Tenacious
She desires everything. She will never give up. Though she is capable of creating infinite amounts of any dessert she desires, she is unable to make the cheese that she loves most. One could easily catch her off-guard with a piece of cheese.

Type: Dessert Witch's minion
Duty: Looking for cheese
His duty is to search for cheese. However, one shouldn't expect much from him.

Brief screenshot before facing the witch

Ume Aoki (character designer) and Gen Urobochi (writer/smug sob) having a conversation
Ume Aoki was not aware of the true nature of the show until she learned they were planning to kill Mami Tomoe, her favorite character in the show.
Before Episode 3 aired, Urobutcherbochi claimed on twitter that he had become a "healing-type writer" (iyashikei). This turned out to be rather misleading, and he later apologized for deceiving fans.

There was a production error in this episode on the TV version.

Fans noticed that the opening has changed since the first two episodes.

FANART BINGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffany talks about things:

-A video showing Mami's gun-fu in slow motion. I can't translate the subtitled text, but Mami fires one shot from each musket at the familiars, uses the stock to bat them, and kicks them as she's getting new muskets. Very cool.

-Around this time Morning Rescue became a meme.

-"If you don't think of something by the time we beat this witch, we're asking Kyubey for a tasty cake!" - Mami Tomoe
Oh yeah, and the cake is a lie.

Questions to think about:
- Does Mami give good advice to Sayaka about wishing for others?
- Would your wish be a selfish one or a selfless one?
- How did Homura know that this witch was "different" when warning Mami?
- How was Homura able to do this?

Keep thinking about any earlier questions that haven't been answered yet.

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